The teaching approach of lower secondary schools aims to make students aware of their individual learning  process and to develop their curiosity and functional skills vital for their future academic path both in Italy  and abroad. The teaching plan follows the Italian national curriculum and is enriched by non-traditional  subjects such as technological and computer literacy, introduction to the study of Latin and both individual  and collective musical practice. 

The curriculum is equally divided into Italian and English, alongside a third community language, Spanish. The  teachers are all native speakers. Pupils who complete the entire bilingual course at Sequoia will be able to  choose any type of school: be it a traditional Italian high school, a local international school or a high school  abroad. 

The teaching method is aimed at achieving ever greater autonomy and awareness of pupils in relation to  their learning path.

Teaching method

The teaching approach of lower secondary schools aims to make students aware of their individual learning  process and to develop their curiosity and functional skills vital for their future academic path both in Italy  and abroad.

Pupils who complete the entire bilingual course at Sequoia will be able to  choose any type of school: be it a traditional Italian high school, a local international school or a high school abroad.

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